Therapy Wafers
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    Therapy Wafers de la DynaFlex Orthodontics (SUA)


    Ajuta la ameliorarea durerii prin cresterea fluxului sanguin catre tesuturile parodontiului marginal. 

    Pacientul pur si simplu mesteca wafer-ul dupa programarea de schimbare a arcului pentru a usura durerea.

    Disponibil cu diverse arome: 

    Bubble Gum (roz)

    Cherry (transparente)

    Grape (mov)

    Menta (verzi)

    Forma de prezentare: Pak. de 25 buc.

    It helps relieve pain by increasing blood flow to the marginal periodontal tissues. The patient simply chews the wafer after the spring change appointment to ease the pain.
    Pack of 25 pcs.
    Available with various flavors: Bubble Gum - pink, Cherry - transparent, Grape - purple or Mint - green.


    Scent Mint or Bubble Gum or Cherry or Grape

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